Picture this – your wedding day is over, you’ve spend spent thousands of dollars on a bomb wedding photographer who absolutely KILLED it and you’re so in love with your finally gallery of amazing photos. But now what? You’ve got these photos that you love and that you’re so proud of, but you have no idea what to do with them. I’m sure there’ll be one or two that you’ll print and frame, but what about the rest? What about those precious photos of you getting ready with your Grandma, wearing a bracelet she wore to her own wedding, or the photos of your guests laughing and crying at the same time during speeches, or the family photos with your besties from high school?

Solution? Get a wedding album! This is the perfect way to display a curated collection of all the best bits from your wedding day in a luxury coffee table album that’s so easy to access and flick through whenever you want to. Bring it out on the weekend when you’re having a quiet coffee in the morning, show it off whenever you have friend or family come over, and keep it for years to come to pass down to children and grandchildren, as a preservation of your favourite day.

Whether you’re envisioning something classic and timeless, something bold and colourful, or anything in between, you’re guaranteed to fall in love with one of the many options available. 

And here’s the most amazing thing – your album will be designed and made the old-fashioned way… By a real, living and breathing human! Working closely with my trusted printing lab partners, I’ll be making sure every single photo is perfectly edited and thoughtfully situated to tell the story of your special day. No lazy shortcuts or quick fixes here! 

Handmade from the highest quality materials and fully customisable to your liking, I’ll craft and bind your favourite photos into a fine art wedding album. We’ll work together to weave a story and create an album design that you’re absolutely in love with. Simply select your must-have wedding images and I’ll get the ball rolling. If you’re not sure where to start or simply can’t decide, I’ll be more than happy to help you pull it altogether.

There’s nothing more rewarding than being able to hold the finished product in my hands, even if it’s just for a moment, knowing that soon it’ll be on its way to you, for your everlasting viewing pleasure. 

I honestly can’t recommend getting your own wedding album more highly! It’s an investment you’ll appreciate more and more as the years go on, I promise.

To find out more about out albums or to order your own, visit my album page here.


November 16, 2022


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